Mr. Fixer and I had the flu, alternately, for he last two weekends. Luckily, not the swine flu. We live in the south (I think Mr. Fixer just cringed when he read that, since he misses living in the NE) therefore the flu is a serious concern. Also, as a topping on the poo cake, my lab was audited this week. This means I worked several very long days in a row, running around and fetching documentation for the auditor to inspect. The good news is that the audit is done! Yay. It went well, thank goodness.
Last weekend Mr. Fixer bought more raw materials; sheetrock, plywood, whatnots, etc.
This means we can get back to the Fixer-Upper grind this weekend. I would love to complete the living room by Christmas, but I am not sure if that is just a hopeful fantasy. If it is not done, I won't be devastated...but patience is not my strong point.
Disclaimer: If you are not a person who can see things "as they will be, and not only as they are" then you should never attempt home repair. You should NEVER rip out all the walls and floors in your house. You should buy a nice,new, pre-finished sub-division house. While you still will have to worry about the normal homeowner things, like exploding plumbing, leaking gas lines and ginormous mice, you won't have to worry about wearing shoes in the house so that you can walk from the living room to the bathroom without getting shards of wood or concrete dust (which itches) on your feet. You also won't have to worry about removing popcorn-like texture from every wall of your house, or panicking at work when you realize you MAY have left your hairdryer plugged in and the wiring upstairs is still old and frightening, or wonder why the toilet water in the upstairs bathroom is yellow even though it's clean. Yes, old houses have issues.
We have a lot of work to catch up on to bring our house up to our specifications. It sounds suckier than it is, I suppose. Then again, when you are functioning on three hours of sleep, EVERYTHING seems suckier than it really is. Damn working.
I know we will really enjoy the house and yard at the end of this process. Our little, vintage foreclosure will transform into a cute, cottage-like home.
Oooo--I almost forgot! Last weekend we put up some of our Fall/Halloween-y decorations. I will post pics soon. I love me some Halloween.
Last year we only had two trick-or-treaters, from the same house. I was bummed. Maybe this year we should give out cold, hard cash. Kids like that, right? I am not above bribery.