New door and window moldings in living and guest rooms, painted satin white:

New ceiling molding and corner blocks in living and guest rooms:

New moldings in hallway and painted hallway flat white:

New sheet rock in living room, painted "vanilla steam" which is a gray/beige:

New guest room sheet rock, walls painted a blue/gray color called "secret passage" (Mr. F laughs at this):

Another shot of the guest room, from the middle of the room:

I can't believe it used to look like this!

Coming soon to a Fixer Upper near you: HARDWOOD FLOORS!
You can see in the pics that we have already prepped the cement floors, and are getting ready to embark on an adventure known as "leveling". I wish I could say we are confident in our abilities to lay flooring, but we won't know until we begin the process.
The current schedule:
-hardwood floors in guest room, living room, hallway and closets (Yay!)
-chip out guest bathroom tile floors ( Ew.)
-rip out toilet and sink in guest bathoom (Ew.)
-tear down all tile and sheet rock in guest bathroom (okay, demo is fun.)
- new sheet rock, backer board in the shower (Um?)
-tile floor and shower (Oh dear.)
- replace toilet, sink and cabinet. (The vintage cabinet that the sink sits on is still nice, and so is the sink.)
-use guest bathroom (Yay!)
It is difficult to remember to stop and take pictures when you are in the middle of a project, but we will try to be better at this.